Dynamic (Action) & Stative Verbs

Dynamic (Action) & Stative verb

 Dynamic (Action) verb 

 A dynamic verb is one that can be used in the progressive (continuous) aspect,indicating an unfinished action.

  Dynamic verbs have duration, that is, they occur over time. This time may or may not have a defined endpoint, and may or may not yet have occurred.


・Jhon plays soccer every Saturday.
▶▶Jhon is playing soccer right now.

・The snow melts every spring.
 ▶▶ The snow is melting right now.

・When one boxer hits another, brain damage can result.
 ▶▶ When one boxer is hitting another, brain damage can result.

 Dynamic verbs, can be used in the simple and perfect forms,

 Example  plays, played, has played, had played

As well as the continuous or progressive forms

 Example  is playing, was playing, has been playing, had been playing.

 The progressive forms occur only with dynamic verbs, that is, with verbs that show qualities capable of change as opposed to stative verbs, which show qualities not capable of change.


・He is being tall. (incorrect)
▶▶ He is tall. (correct)

・He is resembling his mother. (incorrect)
▶▶ He resembles his mother. (correct)

・I am wanting spaghetti for dinner. (incorrect)
▶▶ I want spaghetti. (correct)

・It is belonging to me. (incorrect)
▶▶ It belongs to me. (correct)

 Sometimes verbs can be used in progressive forms when they have certain meanings. In another meaning it is not possible to use them in progressive forms.




1. to have an opinion No progressive form 

・I feel I should go on holiday.
 (am feeling I should go on holiday.)

2. to feel something.   can use both forms.

・How do you feel when you are on holiday?
・How are you feeling today?



1. to possess  No progressive form 

・I have a new computer.
 (am having a new computer.)

2. to eat can use both forms.

・I always have a cola for lunch.
・I am having dinner right now.



1. to understand  No progressive form 

・Oh, I see.
 (Oh, I am seeing)

2. to meet someone  can use both forms.

・I often see Mandy at the disco.

・I am seeing Peter tonight.



1. to believe  No progressive form 

・I think you should see a doctor.
(am thinking you should see a doctor.

2. to think about  can use both forms.

・I have to think about it.

・I am thinking about my girlfriend now.

 Stative verb 

 Stative verbs are verbs that describe a state and consequently. The stative verb is notusually used in the progressive aspect, which is used for incomplete actions in progress.


・I like ice cream. (Never "I am liking...")

・I know a lot of English words. (Never "I am knowing...")

・Verbs that show thought: know, believe, undertand etc.

・Verbs that show possession: have, own, want, contain etc.

・Verbs that show senses: hear, see, smell etc.

・Verbs that show emotion:   love, hate, want, need etc.